Use advanced search with Jira Query Language JQL Jira Software Cloud

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Note, it is safer to search by resolution ID than by resolution name. It is possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a resolution, which could break any saved filter that rely on that name. Resolution IDs, however, are unique and cannot be changed. You can search by project name, by project key or by project ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a project). Note, it is safer to search by priority ID than by priority name.

Note, it is safer to search by custom field ID than by custom field name. It is also possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a custom field, which could break any saved jql does not contain filters that rely on that name. Custom field IDs, however, are unique and cannot be changed. Before building a query, understanding a few of its different components is essential.

JQL pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

Search for issues where the time spent is set to a particular value (i.e. a number, not a date or date range). Use “w”, “d”, “h” and “m” to specify weeks, days, hours, or minutes. Some characters and words are reserved and you can’t search for issues using these.

Essentially expressions are references that resolve to basic or tuple values. Just as with explicit joins, implicit joins may reference association or component/embedded attributes. For further information about collection-valued association references, see Collection member references. If the attribute represents an entity association (non-collection) or a component/embedded, that reference can be further navigated. Basic values and collection-valued associations cannot be further navigated. Explicit joins may reference association or component/embedded attributes.

JQL Scoping vs Sorting: narrowing down your data.

Again, we can set up multiple conditions joined by the AND keyword. The query controls for priority and limiting the created time properly scope the query. What the sorting does is show us the most recent issues first. Use the DESC keyword to sort in reverse (newest to oldest).

Scope introduces qualifiers to whittle down the results, and sorting involves ordering the data to list the most important data first. The `ORDER BY` keyword, for example, can be used to order the results by `priority, `assignee` or other relevant attributes. JQL, like SQL and GraphQL, enables easy access to large data sets. These queries are similar in nature, even though they operate on different platforms. Jira Query Language enables anyone to build queries that can be executed in Jira to produce a set of results.

Saving JQL Filters

Perform searches based on the released versions (i.e. versions that your Jira administrator has released) of a specified project. You can also search on the released versions of all projects, by omitting the project parameter. Find issues in projects that are led by a specific user. You can optionally specify a user, or if the user is omitted, the current user will be used. The keyword “none” can be used to search for issues where either or both of the options have no value. Search for issues that match the selected values of a ‘cascading select’ custom field.

jql language